Sami was born on 28.02.2008 leap year seb beik tak 29hb u.. (huhuhuhu cantek kan the number? normal delivery yek, takde kekdah nye nk set2 date hehe) but this year we decided to celebrate his besday early. Invitation baru aje kuar ye. Sume by call/sms only, sori xdek invite melalui muka buku yek, luku kang.
As usual, im the Mami get super excited. Overst but this is the way i spend precious time with Sami. So wats the project for tis year? As the invitation almost done, menu 70% confirm, venue confirm, photographer confirm, tinggal bayo duit aje- unless dia rejek saja nk tunjuk derhaka (saja jek nk ulang2 kasik amaran hehe), baju nak pakai? err err later decide, cleaner - confirm hehe, games for kids? errr xdecide lagik, goodie pack? pon blum decide, DECORATION?? xdek le nak deco but deco accessories kena ade hihi..
lets start with ..
As we choose Rainbow for his 4th Besday (sbb xlarat nk layan sume karektor yg dia suka).. meh kite berwarna warni yek.. err takde lah warna warni ape, order kek rainbow aje pon hihihi.. kalu nk dtg pakai baju warna warni sgt la digalakkan
First, Mami bought Coloured A4 Paper at C4 for RM7.90 (25sheets),
so we only gets 25 topi aje lah ye..
And Mami trace the paper for Sami
Sami brilliantly cut the Paper folo trace tuh
Second, Mami help Sami staple them making a cone shape
Like this.. we have 5colors aje not 7 xpe.. Sami xtau pon
Last month Mami & Sami done some cutting project which is paper cut into star, flower, heart shape, diamond, cloud & crown
(Mami trace and Sami cut, santek kan keje tgn Sami?)
So Sami glue them at the cone hat
Then Mami continue cover the back of the party hat, tutup la staple buruk tuh with lebihan paper kaler, xperlu nk kemas2 sgt bila cover tuh bukan masuk exam pon
After Mami staple gold ribbon at the both side, Sami hepily wear the hat siap nk bwk g school.. tu muka gitu sbb gambo yg lain muka yg excited sume gegar..
too excited abang cik nih..
Then Mami asked him to trace the deco shape using his board marker pen
Smear sana sini sbb it's hard for him to trace and hold the hat at the same time, kalu kt buku senang aje. Mami takmo betolkan sbb he's done a very good job! Mami so proud of Sami and tak sabo nk tunjuk kt kawan2 time besday Sami nanti!..
22 hottie:
semangatnya mak dgn anak nie! 25 hats only? tisya kena datang awal la gamaknya. hehehe
nak wat cmne beb, anak aku active ahhaha kalu xdek bend enk buat tuh abis la aku dilanyaknye.. haha.. aah mmg kena dtg awal kalu idak dpt tgk aje hahaha..
topi tuh utk suka2 amik gambo aje.. bukan dlm goodie pack pon hehe
saya first ke??? hahah..mmg taklah la kan. wahhh x sbrnya nk dtg bday sami ni. dh lama x dtg bday kanak2 kecik nih! hehehe bju warna warni la nk pakai nnt
why mak and anak so creative one?!?!?! WHY!?!?!?! Cantik ok!! Rasa nak curik jer idea for birthday arees nanti even tho we dont plan to through him party this year ... heheh .. Well done Sami and happy be-earlied birthday from Aunty Rina! =)
Papakeechee ^_^ ...
tolong cakap john belum komen!!!! Hahahaha......
Wow Sami wat topi :D
3 star? auntie gB bagi 5 stars untuk sami!
3 saja? i bagi stars sebanyak bintang kat langit okeh! hahahaha. welld one sami good job! aunty impressed!
tangga kedua jek kali nih ye john.. iye sila dtg dgn bersungguh2.. nnti kite kuarkan ape menu plak saja nk kasik air liur meleleh hahahaha
papakeechee!! boleh aje nk curik idea sila la buat i'm sure u lagik kretip dr i.. i nih sbb xdek printer kalu idak dh lama gak print berkaler2 stripe2 mahupon bintang2 hehe
takk john lmbt skittt aje hehehe.. pas nih sami buat mask pulak ye.. kihkihkih..
Tengkiu auntie GB! 5star wow sami suka!!!..
zura, dulu kecik2 bleh la kasik sume bintang kt langit now kena kasik 1-5 aje.. sbb selalu buat exercise mein2.. jadik xleh kasik star bebyk hahahhaa
Yang pastu bukan JOHN first!!!!! Aku suka! Hahaha wow tak sabo nak pegi besday party sami!!!!!
hahaha john bz arinih .. nntikan lagik saminye besday prep.. bese lah maminye overst invitation pon xsume kuar.. menu baru nk mnguder2 takut xcukup hishhh umah dh la kecik hishh lagik.. nk buat kt pool xlarat hishhh tp kalu kt pool leh terjun pool huishh lupekan..
home-made hat...
personal touch yang mahal tuh...
good job !!!
(kalerful nyer theme???...)
-cari baju..cari baju (selongkar dalam lemari)
ahahahah kalu lagik striking lagik bagus k anash hahahah... tp sy pakai kaler bese2 aje la.. kang nmpak cam payung pelangi beso bergerak plak kalu sy pakai baju kaler2 hahahahha
wah syok nye main gunting + gam nih, tak sabor nk ajar Aqilah main gitu gak nanti!!!
Aqilah cop hat wane merah ek Sami, simpan utk Qilah tau!
Nampak gayanya cik Qilah kena shopping baju kaler rainbow la nk pegi besday party Sami huhuhuhuh
kaler merah? ha okek.. hahah siap buleh cop2 tu yg xtahan tuuhh.. hat nih mmg sapa cpt dia dpt hahaha.. tp sapa bwk anak/anak buah ape2 anak sila beware yek akan ke-hyper-an nnti sbb too much sugar.. jgn bimbang takde gula2 ke ape jadah tp desert table mmg bleh tahan la lebihan manis2 tuh huhuhuhuu
wow. gigih sami menggunting, menampal dan ikut pki board marker. confirm pendidikan seni dapat a nnt. very the nice lah sume topi. thumbs up jugak kat akak tolong tekap2 and surih bentuk semua. hehe
happy becoming birthday sami!
tengkiu auntie Ajlaa.. pasnih anto sami g art class lah haha.. xdek nye nk tekap2.. main lukis senget benget aje.. agak2 leh jadik bentuk cone hahahha
alaaa sweetnye moment ko buat topi besday dengan sami sendiri!!!
tak ramai yang buat sendiri topi tau..ramainye beli kat kedai jaa..
tp ko rajin sehhh!!!
brilliant idea... mami sami time and cut cost. superb plan, i shud do this with my nieces. thanks for the geret idea.
hadiah sami dah siappppppp! sekian :D
ekceli kalu xbuat xdek pasal nye nk beli siap sbb malas nk party ade topi2 nih.. nih pon buat nih kire saja nk spend time dgn sami.. dh pulak mlm tadik dia cop topi dia, tulis nama siap2.. dh tinggal 24topii hahahhaha
ha ekceli xyah tunggu besday saja2 pong xpe.. mlm tadik g mkn roti tisu patu sami kata 'wow mcm hat!, kejap sami nk try pakai' huk aloh hahahahhaha
Tengkiuuu Auntieee Biqqqueeee!!!!
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