Hari ketiga? huwarrghhh bohsannyeeee nk kena balikkk..
Walau bagaimanapon we are still excited coz we have one more activity - Eco Park! yeay! sami has been waiting to see the monkeys, mr. croc, bunny, mr fish and snakes (been telling him that they are waiting for him hehe) and paling wajib itu skycycle.
papi settle bill dulu. baru la leh jenjalan..
mmg fav sami neh
after settled the bills, without breakfast we went to eco-park, beli pack food nk feed kawan2 sami kt dlm tu hehe. basically sume sama aje mcm 3thn lps, diff nye bertambah buruk. sami sungguh berani & seronok dpt bg makan kt binatang dlm eco-park tu. ade squirrel monkey valley (monyet tetap monyet), binturong yg mcm sloth tp sungguh comel, deer, peacock, ayam! haha excited tgk ayam, bunny, hamster sume ade, snake, crocs, iguana yg jinak, kambing busuk, turtle, helang etc
berani tau sami walaupon monyet2 tu main tarik aje
iguana nih sengaja dilepas n jinak. tapi sbb beso tetap ngeri hehe
papi dok kacau tedung tuh.. eei ngeri
nk bwk sami g tgk bunny kt bukit tinggi lah pas nih
lama gak we spend at the eco-park, then continue for the skycycle. sami takkan berganjak selagik tak naik bende alah tuh. mmg dia dh aim awal2. i dont fancy it (ok seram) coz one thing it doesnt look safe to me, patu kena kayuh pakai tangan, tengkiu papi and ofcourse la sami willingly to help, dia mmg suka mende2 cm gitu, patu agak beso pusingan, lalu pulak atas air heyy la kalau terbalik haha.. xdek le safety belt ke ape sgt tu dia bagi plak budak naik tapi chairlift xkasik heyy xaham tuullll
see sungguh hepi, xsmpai separuh pusingan papi dh penat haha
we finished around 1pm and have guts to walk back to the chalet n call for buggy haha sori xkuasa nk jalan panas2. thought of using chairlift and finished near foodcourt tapi tak dapat mmg takde pasal lah aku nk jalan. sempat tip adik driver buggy yg setia sungguh melayan kitorg, off to lunch. this time i wanted to eat at R&R after exit bukit merah tuh. sejuk sket suasana lebeh2 lagik dh nk pukul 3pm. baikla kite jamak dulu ye...
that bendi mmg irresistable. ikan goreng yg kecik, sayur, nasik dekat 5 hengget gak. ok la rasenye not bad.
ok time to balik.. ape? balik? papi singgah cameron sat nak mkn stroberi... :D (patut singgah felda sungkai la main air panas.. ces next time)
jom bwk anak kt playground tanah rata
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