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Friday, December 4, 2009

Last nite, otw back from Ampang Point (rushed window shopping), Sami was singing happily and i started to count slowly

'One' i count 'ONE!' followed by Sami with his hi-pitch note
'Two' slow and steady 'TWO!!' double the loud
'Three' continue 'TI!' not so clear no 3 (as long he knew three is a number and tree is pokok2 sepanjang jalan menuju ke rumah yg hampir tiap hari dia tegur)
'Four' with melody 'FOUR!' like a soldier
'Fiveeee' smiling 'FAIVSS' he's quite confident
'Sixxxxx' showing teeth 'SIXTTT' almost a fullstop
'Sevennn' enjoying the moment 'SEBENNN' agak jawa disitu
'Eight' starring at him 'ETT!' loud and clear
'Nineeeee' giggling 'NINEEEEEE' still loud and clear
'Ten!' papi pon excited while driving 'TEN!!!!!!!!' yeayyyyy!!!! and we clapped

Hahahahahahah seronoknye. Then i wanna to test him. 'OK, your turn. Sami pulak. Count' not sure whether he understand or not.

He smile, silent for about 8 sc. looking down and suddenly

'oneee..' (wattt dia paham laaaa hahahahha slow aje) but we didn't show our excitement and followed him 'one'
'two' bertambah slow and he smile 'two' enjoy the counting game
'ti' 'thRee' walaupon pelat R masih ku tekankan cara nak sebut itu hehe
silent 2 sc
'four' volume 2 out of ten 'FOUR' 'YES' mami kasik semangat
'faivssss' tersengih2 agak confident 'FIVEEEEEEE' mami papi excited
silent 2 sc
silent 5 sc mata dh pandang2 atas
'lagik?' i asked

'faivssss' he repeated the same number. 'FOUR! FOUR! ETTT!! NINE! FORTY!!' tetiba aje makin kuat

'HAAAA?? FORTY???' mana la dia dpt forty nehhhh hahahahhaha

'BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BA PE FESSSSSS' and he sang Lady Gaga Poker Face ahhahahahhaha

'hahahahhaha sampai 5! beshnyeeeee' papi excited! What an achievement. the most important we enjoyed the counting games. Suka Sami sampai gelak kuat2. When we reached the guard house Sami saw the new mosque

'Mosque!' as usual
'la ila ha ilaullahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' hahaha bukan ala bak bak (allah huakbar) lagi tapi la illa ha illau lahh. pandai nye baby kecik mami nih!!!!

Saja nak cite, last hari raya korban, we gathered at Mbah's place and after makan 4 round Sami nak susu
'ya allah netek lagi....' tegur Cik Ibah, bapak's sister in law

'hahah ini budak MODERN. bagus. masih menyusu, pergi kerja susunye di pam. budak zaman sekarang' bapak jawab sambil gelak dgn bangganye (mungkin dia bangga dgn cucu dia yg active menyelongkar sume laci rumah Mbah Buyut)

Waahhhh tengkiu bapak for the statement of the year!. fully breastfeed bukan utk zaman dulu lagik ok. Cam bapak cakap, budak modern hahahahahhahaha

3 hottie:

Masayu Ahmad said...

pandai samy!

auntie ayu tumpang bangga ;D

Biqque said...

KAHKAHKAHKAHKAHKAHKAHKAH! AKU TAK BLEH BLAH LA PART LAGU POKER FACE TUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! ya Allahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! sami ku sayang ni makin hari makin cerdik! haih...

Ely Hasrul said...

ha la! smbil counting dlm kete kuar la lagu tuh tetiba aje dia smbung nyanyi

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