Klik Klik

Friday, January 28, 2011

Alhamdulillah everything went well, to be frank i'm upset with myself sbb xdpt nk assist Na Cik Elly. Being Elly, 'its ok guys, sume dh settle' and being me yg suka give in for other's personal space which sometimes mcm ignorance kesian juga kat Elly. Tapi if Elly knew me well, aku mmg suka menyebok dan ckp aje bebila sure aku tolong and if i knew Elly well, if Elly ckp ok sume under control, tunggu aje sbb kadang korg nih nyebok smpai nyusahkan aku haha. Hope betol la ek tekaan skin Na Cik Elly (but serious, with Mak's Elly condition, Elly's bzness mmg xkuasa aku nk nyebok sgt)

Months before the big day

'Elly, jom g Jakarta, shopping for wedding'
'Beshnyeee nakkk tapi xsempat la skinnn'

Days before the big day
'Elly, g spa nak?'
'Tu la beshnyeee tapi tak sempat la skinnn'

Kesian pengantin

Last nite, Hari Pernikahan Na Cik Elly & Arab. 27.01.2011 Membuka tirai tahun 2011 dorang. Congrats korang! I'm getting ready kat PC and have to bring Sami as Papi tgh limping. 'amik gambar banyak2 ok, kim slm sume' pesan Papi kat bini dia yg cun bertudung (kejap aje ponn)

I drove like crazy from PC as when we reach Pandan Jaya the traffic is so bad, not sure where Biqque & Uncle C (memula terserempak kat Raja Chulan, alih2 dh hilang). I knew that traffic at Pandan interchange tu sudah rosak, so when i saw byk kete mcm kura2 terus amik jalan dalam. ingat tak ingat gak la kan sbb dh lama xlalu, alih2 tgk Uncle C dgn berjaya nye folo kat blkg. haha cekap

We reached at Na Cik elly's around 8.30pm, terus naik atas, salam Uni & Mak Elly aje hehe. Elly tgh mekap. Like usual xmekap pon cun apetah lagik kena mekap kan....

 Sami with auntie Elly & Auntie Biqque (before auntie biqque jadik Cik Ro)

Pengantin with orang comot xreti nak pakai tudung. (borrow Jaja's tudung with anak tudung yg cute tapi half way pakai terlalu ketat dgn sami tarik sana sini duhhh)

Her room and pelamin is so cun and simple, yeahh that's us. We are exxagerate and overst but bile time wedding sume goes down to simple. Later Fara, Debi, Aisha & Deb arrived just in time and when Tok Imam came Mak Elly asked us to turun la kann jgn la nk bergossip diam2 kat atas! hahaha. Ekceli Mak Elly tak sihat, she had hi-fever the other nite and actually spend her last 3 weeks in hospital. Kesian betol but she looks hepi

Bila turun, sume dah tunggu, Tok Imam, Saksi, Wali (bapak Elly la tuh), sanak saudara kaum keluarga dan sume orang included the most important person, Arab as Pengantin lelaki hehe. I was pandai2 to sit tepi pengantin with Sami pulak tuh as the sista conquer the stairs and boleh la sume org tak bawak kamera!! i left mine at Deb and she put back in my bag upstairs, summary nye takde gambo akad nikah zzzz

But to sit beside the bride and behind the tok imam i can hear clearly all the explaination and the nasihats that he gave to the pengantins and crowd. Funny ustaz he is. He starts with short khutbah nikah, slot it with funny jokes and he explain tanggungjawab isteri which is our top stories of the nite! haha

Father of the bride Col. Hj. Mustafa Kamar (R), nikahkan Elly mlm tuh, pucat Arab hehe

Just wanted to share the top 5 of tanggungjawab isteri that the ustaz explain:

1. Menghormati, patuh dan taat kepada Suami, ikut segala nasihat dan larangan as long tak langgar sunnah (ok ustaz, saya paham)
2. Menjaga penampilah diri, fizikal wajiblah menarik hati suami selalu (err.. alamak aku dh la kuar xmekap sume selalu comot tp on second thought aku seksi kat umah, papi sume so lulus hehe)
3. Menghormati ibu bapa mertua dan keluarga suami (i was like hah! this is no 3??)
4. (sori lupe no.4, kena tanya Deb sbb lps aje no 3 terus aku blank zzzz or maybe Deb pon dh xingat sbb dia kata dia terpana kat no. 2 zzzz)
5. Menjaga anak dan keluarga (ini jatuh no 5??)

Then the ustaz memperkenalkan saksi2 yg terdiri dari imam muda yg available hehe. Time nih sami found a pen and asked for kertas to conteng, he wanted to lukis ultraman, the result tapak tangan la jadik sasaran. dh la duduk sblh pengantin nk bising2 pulakkk..

'boleh saya tanya soklan?' tanya ustaz kat pengantin lelaki
angguk2 Arab
'boleh saya tanya soklan' tanya ustaz tu pula kat pengantin perempuan
'boleh' jawab Elly
'ha nasib baik boleh, kalau tak boleh tadik terpaksa terus akad nikah' haha buat lawak lagik

'betol nih, soklan nih tiada talian hayat tau' warning ustaz buat Arab dan kitorg berdebar
'salah soklan pertama, ade soklan kedua' usik ustaz lagik

huh cam masuk who wants to be millionaire pulak
'adakah benar ini pengantin perempuan nye?' tanya ustaz dgn soklan mencabar sambil tunjuk kat Na Cik Elly

duhh ustaz nih!!! hahahaha

After sume selesai, kitorg pon menjamu selera kat luar. Sedap lauk ok! Banyak as usual. Mmg Mak Elly punye taste. Ada ayam goreng berempah, ikan bakar dgn kluah asam, sambal bilis petai, lemak pucuk paku ikan masin dan 2-3 jenis lauk lagik dgn kuih muih yg sedap.

  sori, dh hilang tudung time nih..

Congrats Elly & Arab. Wish u all the best!! 

4 hottie:

Biqque said...


Drama Mama said...

eh ehhhh apsal half way tudung dah hilaaang??? hahaha! sami so cute la babe ngn jubah dia tu..silap2 minah arab ngorat dia satgi! hiks!


dibitz said...

aku kompem ingat no 4 kkkk... sbb aku terpana pada no 4... hahaha

4. tidak sekali2 menyakiti hati suami..

aku tak sebut masa kat meja makan sbb hehehe... kang fyzal cakap "haaa dengar tuuu... jgn sakitkan hati i.."... . . . . .. aku jugak malu hihihiiiiiii....

congrats elly & arab... we all love you... and we love our hubbys too...

Ely Hasrul said...

no 4 tu ker??? hahaha seb beik ko senyap debiii hahahahhaa i love my sista....

zura, jubah dia tu dh senteng hahaha

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