Last visit was our 10th checkup and know what, i'm already in 35 weeks. huhuu the besh part sami boy punye berat dh naik! yeay! now he's 2.2kg. the tak besh part mami pon naik jugakk to 65.8kg ya ampunnn beratnye.
AND another xbesh part, dokter suh bed rest for this week coz my amniotic fluid xcukup. ape tu? air ketuban. kesian sami boy. kalu xcukup meaning dia xdek kusyen sgt. dekat sgt dgn lapisan perut. end up dia bleh stresss. so dokter kata suh byk rehat coz nothing we can do and nk tgk this friday. If still xok; dokter nk induce! ala
my condition:
If you are diagnosed with oligohydramnios, it is important that youcontinue to eat well, drink lots of fluids (water is best), rest as much aspossible, avoid smoking and report any signs of preterm labor to yourhealth care provider right away.
How is oligohydramnios treated?
Women with otherwise normal pregnancies who develop oligohydramnios nearterm probably need no treatment, and their babies are likely to be bornhealthy (2). They do, however, require close surveillance. Their healthcare provider will probably recommend weekly (or more frequent) ultrasoundexaminations to see if the level of amniotic fluid is decreasing to adangerous point. If the level of amniotic fluid becomes inadequate, theprovider may recommend inducing labor early to help prevent complicationsduring labor and delivery. Nearly half the cases of oligohydramnios resolvethemselves without treatment (4).
Besides frequent ultrasound examinations to measure the level of amnioticfluid, providers may recommend tests of fetal well-being, such as thenonstress test, which measures fetal heart rate. If tests show that thebaby is having difficulties, the provider may recommend early delivery tohelp prevent serious problems.
A fetus with poor growth whose mother has oligohydramnios is at high riskfor complications, such as asphyxia (lack of oxygen), before and duringbirth. Mothers of these babies are monitored very closely. They sometimesneed to be hospitalized.
If a woman has severe oligohydramnios near the time of delivery, herprovider may suggest infusing salty water (saline solution) through thecervix into the uterus. This treatment, called amnioinfusion, may helpreduce complications during labor and delivery and reduce the need forcesarean section. Some studies suggest that women with oligohydramnios canhelp increase their levels of amniotic fluid by drinking extra water (3).Also, many providers recommend decreasing physical activity or bed rest.
mintak2 xdek ape la or else mmg jumpa sami awal la hihihihi. byk kesian kat papi sbb dia yg over gelabah and muka risau dia sungguh kelakar skalik. ye la. muka dia risau sebijik time dia xdpt kawin dulu.. hihihihihi..
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