Klik Klik

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ohhh absolutely

Can i host a small makan2 partey without papi?

Yes i can, not a problem at all

Can i host a small makan2 party for about 10 paxs without papi WITH sami's help?

Errr.... i... err... hmphphmmmm

Eeeeiii geram!! I need unlce k's help la gitu hahaha boleh ke yong??

7 hottie:

Anonymous said...

bob the builder, can we fix it..bob the builder, yes we can..

Ely Hasrul said...

hahahaha aritu pas mkn kt manhattan bwk sami naik kete machine bob the builder patu papi ajar dia nyanyi. .. yg dia sebut hanyala.. bo.. bobobo..ahhahaa

Biqque said...

sami pandai!

xCLuSiVeLy XpReSsiNg by Hayatie said...

boleh ajak sami 'tolong' skali. Sure samy would be very helpful kan..kikiki!

mamaHs said...

mesti best klau sami mmg banyak 'tolong' mummy dia..

Harrafyelza said...

kapa hang terpanggil nak tulis entry nih????ahahhaha

Drama Mama said...

oh kena get help kot, kalau tak sure sammy tolong masak sapa and who knows how the cooking will taste like hahaha

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