Can i throw a small makan2 partey on weekdays?
OOoo no problemm..
Can i throw a partey on weekdays with Papi's help?
Hah lagik la bagus!
Can i host a partey on weekdays with Papi's & Sami's help
Hah! aku dah ckp korang.. sami super M.A.N.J.A. zzzzz
Last tuesday's nite, after plannnig, posponing (siap tadah telinga kena kutuk) we end up with a very adhoc makan invitation at my place. Papi said just serve spagettik, handpicked (in ur dream) mushroom soup, garlic bread, tempura nugget, drummet& ice cream for desert (yg last2 lupe nk hidang cess). There's no other suitable dates as Thu si datin wannabe is super bz attending all makan invitation on weekends and half of the jemputan will off to Kuantan for bersuka ria (yo oo aje aku)
'rabu la thu'..try to pospon again thehehehe i need time to think for the menu (aku kan suka berangan) 'aaahh xdek xdek kang rabu ko kansel' ahhaha bahbi (straight kat muka). i wish i took pics of the cleaners who clean my house last friday - evidence yg aku tak tipu mmg aku nak ajak korg datang cuma papi aje nk mein basketball ahhahaha.
I was so buntu and rambang about the menu as i feel like making bubur lambuk (bese la ikut tekak aku) but thinking of the time and even need to buy another beras (as we only consume herba ponni taj mahal, ha mmg xjadik la bubur ko) so i kansel and quickly buzzing Ija (as usual for briliant ideas but she's not answering cis) and akhirnye folo papi's suggestion.
Looking at the simple menus i know we can settle within one hour and being my papi who loves to take his sweet time i found myself pushing the trolley at C4 looking for sami's diaper boleh tak??? papi said he wanted to buy french loaf for garlic bread but end up shopping for groceries hamboii. i cant stop cursing when the queue is so damn lembab. We got home at 7.40pm and not yet performing maghrib ha cmne tu?ooo no hal boleh aje (walhal i asked the mommies to come after 8.30pm). To make the situation more drama (kalu cute cam drama mama xpe gak) the sinki is so sinFULL with not only pinggan mangkuk but with papi's bbq utensils yg penuh minyak (dia buat burger utk aku mlm sblmnye tak penah la aku nk bersyukur, kuat komplen) (ooh oso pls ignore all the spelling grammar and bahasa titik).
Kelam kabut? eh xdek la no problem. As papi is the appointed chef for the day no worries at all until .. the KING WHO LISTEN but IGNORE the meaning of his name totally get tantrums -to add the drama la kan, sami started to push me and try to drag me to accompany him drawing and reading his fav book. Sorry sayang this time mami dh super xsempat as the time shows 8pm oredi. everytime i entered the kitchen he will scream and cry without tears. Adoiii.. 'go go' cried sami. 'ayangg pg la play sana... ' aku menahan sabar. I quickly finished the mess, set up meja and when i about to start the deep fryer ' b, kena tuka minyak'said papi (all this while papi sebok with his spagettik, garlic bread yada yada yada)
'Assalamualakum..' dangg my first ggf mommies has arrived sapa lagik kalu tak Tha the superpumping hero with abang jauh and azri si power biting yg comel (pls imagine sami were crying all the time and get super attitude capital A when he realised there will be another babies in the house) and know what its oredi 8.45pm haii lamanye la masak... dah la in between asik dgn phone sbb Thu & Yong sesat nk pegi ke tempat kejadian tanah runtuh.
As i'm so kelam kabut, preparing drinks, meja while carry sami sana sini and forgot to be a good host (bad elly bad elly) the mommies mula sampai Yong and Uncle K bwk adik memasing, diikuti dgn Thu, Am, Myra and Fiza with Iman & hubby yg super lambat sbb soping kat C4 hamboiiii... as they come on time and papi still kelam kabut at kitchen there goes all my rahsia. 'hah ko suh papi masak ke ly?' 'papi basuh pinggan?' Thu the datin wannabe dgn sengajanye ckp kuat2 try to embarrass me (cilakak i said dlm hati) 'ooohh itu la bukti papi mmg sayang kat aku...' 'ini bukan lakonan ok...' hahahaha i try to cover up. baru nak ngaku aku yg masak dh kantoi
Besides all the drama and yes sami still cranky, the makan2 went well and i hope the mommies had a good time. We changed duit raya and i kuatly mention the amount is rm3 as i know si datin wannabe tu mata duitan. Tha balik dulu as abang jauh nak balik batu pahat malam tu jugak and yong wanted to joint her with alasan her sister need to sleep early so she can wake early as she needs to get to the oofice by 6.30am. wat??? 6.30am??? zzzzzzz i reluctantly salam them as i'm just about to show them my wedding albums with hopes we can gossip more. But thanks to uncle K yg selamba borak with Fiza's hubby so yong and the sisters has to stay ahhaha padan muka
Also, Iman, Azri & Myra (beside Azri hepily biting Myra's hand) they are such a good babies. baik aje buat hal sendiri. Sami? ooo eventho he's spending time at nursery, meeting diff peps everyday he's still not comfortable with the guests. Sebabnye? 'ngantuk kot ly?' tanya yong. 'tak la yong dia saja je nih' i was succesfully holding myself from scolding sami. Since i was scold by Deb last puasa, i started to less my complain box and meningkatkn lagik tahap kesabaran yg memang dah tinggi since bergelar hot mommy nih. Ye la my 2 besfren are longing for babies so i wont take for granted. xpe guest balik kang mmg pandang wall la si sami nih.
After the guest balik, sami dgn miracle nye change his mood to the very hepi boy in the world. i susu him and plays with him for awhile, makan the spagettik and get my vaccum. really need to vaccum tonite or else all mr. semut will dancing thru the nite. And guess wat, sami who scares of the vaccum, tarik the hose and manage to pull out the suction hose and started to vaccum the hall. 'pi skit' he push papi's feet. papi xpaham. he said 'tepi skit' terus kitorg gelak tak berenti and paling jahat papi makes vaccum sound and everytime papi make the sound he will stop and hug me sambil 'takuit2'. the scenario so lucu papi and papi decided to capture it but when he started recording sami never mentioned the 'pi sket' words but keep repeating 'adoiii' cam penat sgt la vaccum tuh ahhahahahahha. Comel la baby kecik mami nih.
so thanks ggf mommies, sori apa yg kurang jgn serik datang lagik for my next upcoming tupperware partey. next time aku lak nk masak, Am dah komplen tak rasa air tgn aku. kang aku masak kang dia lupe plak kat Thu yang ganteng tuh ha cmne? hahahaha. Oh yea, to As next time datang lah. ko la yg paling mengada sekalik sbb xdtg.
P/s- oh yeah last nite i cooked nasik ayam. 'ermmm sedap la baby!' said papi sambil senyum mata buntang. and yes korang itu bukan lakonan, papi mmg sayang kat aku perrggghhh sistas.. competition nih hahahahha oh yeah sistas, our session next. can't wait! biq set date!
5 hottie:
Owh how I wish I stay somewhere near you all.. kalau ya hang nak jemput aku dak? muka xmalu..heheheh
ha ija, mmg kecoh sesuai la ngan i yg kepochi nih.. bleh rozy.. kalu tersesat kat sini buleh aje singgah makan..hehehhe
hand picked mushroom soup tu aku punya kilang aje buat oi.. bayarr.. bayarrr royaltyyy...
sami oh sami.. why u soooo cheekyyy.... pi sket.... :)
hahaha makaseh atas handpicked mushroom ko yg sedapp tuh!
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