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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Yes, u can imagine that i can shop till Papi drop. and i only shop if i knew i Papi had money to spend. So when Papi text-ed  me on Thursday telling that there's Motherhood Expo in Convention Ctr - KLCC (carik nahas ke ape Papi tuh?) i quickly changed my plan (my Friday plan was melepak kat umah coz i had a bad cough and flu is coming soon). Gain all semangat, Friday morning parked at Papi's office and i waited ngantukly, uncomfortably, body and mind aching at the from Hall 4 of the Expo (bleh jam menunjukkan baru pukul 9.15am dimana upacara bermula 10.30am. Gigih siap suh Janggel update jemputan kat FB kahkahkahkah)

please note that this is my first visit to any Mother Expo, no kidding PERTAMA KALI okeh! biarlah org kata byk offer besh, barang murah mmg aku xpenah pegi sbb malas nk bersesak tapi sungguh gatai dh 36weeks sebok nk pg tempat cengini? haha mmg hormon ibu mengandung

So when they open the booth to public i just shoot where i plan to buy. Yes, i need to get

1. Breastpump to be exact i wanted Medela Freestyle
2. Bottle Feeding, no worries eventho i'm susuibu hardcore i still need susu botol
3. Set Bersalin which i called Mak few times and she warned/scold me of not ever buying anything as for her it's so expensive, ridiculous etc

'mak set nih sekian2..'
'err tak payah2!, kt Cik Ros seratus lebeh aje'
'mak cover nih ade cmnih sekian2'
'eerr xpayah mahal balut pakai kain buruk aje' zzz

and Yes i called Kakak to gossip (berdosa kejap)

4. Bedsheet/mattress cover for tilam baby
5. Baby toiletteries

Thats my main purpose

Then i surveyed and cop the kedai i wanted to buy later but Papi said after semayang jumaat he got meeting at 2.30pm hoii lamanye.. not i do not want to buy it without Papi (gile kau buat pe nk guna duit sendirik walaupon laki ko dh trf duit kahkahkahkah), i also dont have kuderat nak angkat all the things. So i end up buying baju baby & Sami (xmasuk dlm list pon tp gatal nk mbeli & konon ringan utk dibawa) and dh la murah santek pulak tuh and cost me near 300 cess (sila bygkan baju yg byk coz the selling price from RM10-RM19 only)

And finally when Papi came (will cite part soping barang later) we stuck there until 6pm!! 6pm okeh!! and my last purchase was the socks where Papi bz chatting with one of the marketing ladies and he said 'used ur ATM first' ciss then Papi said 'asar dulu la before balik' where suddenly we stuck at the lucky draw counter and we got like 7 draw wow..

'miss we will draw at 6.30pm miss tunggu ye' the clock showed 6.15pm what the heck, Papi said he will send half of the heavy soping items (siap free gift, goodie pack yg ntah ape2 sume tuh) to the car first and i went inside again waited at the lucky draw stage

Half way of the lucky draw i started to meragui adik kt luar tadik, adekah dia masukkan aku punye entry sbb dh berpoloh2 hamper kuar satu pon aku xkena (as usual) and even few pep didnt turn up and couple of lucky ladies won more that 1 draw hoii bertuah nye korg..

and when they introduced the Grand Prize for that day, a stroller i was quit angry coz Papi tak sampai2.. haii dh la byk brg aku teringin xdpt.. draw pon dh nk abis.. and suddenly i hear they called my name



'she said this is her first lucky draw win! and she got grand prize for it! It's Cyber bla bla bla stroller wirth RM1200!! yeay!!' minah mc tuh sorak kuat2 sbb aku xtau nk buat muka cemana, hulur ic terkebil2 tidak percaya, sempat tgk wining ticket and it shows the purchased from my final item, stocking tido yg Papi suh bayo itu huhuhuhu,

Syukur Alhamdulillah. we do need new simple stroller for Sami sbb dia malas nk jalan kenkadang. Tak sesesia soping, mmg byk barang kalu tak caya tnya la pengunjung umah aku semlm, bersepah bilik study nih penuh barang haha

19 hottie:

Lily Riani said...

pirst seken third

Lily Riani said...

lucky u, i tak penah lucky... *mood dengki yg positip*

Ely Hasrul said...

first second third?? OMG saiko hahahaha i dulu dok sonok sbb org lucky aje hahaha.. skang baru la dpt merasa sekalik.. smlm napa xdtg???!!!

masMZ KaKiJaLaN said...

first seken third??!!! hahaha.,... third tu tuan rumah!!!!

nk jugak first sebelum john, janggel n kak coco n Cawan n BlueEwoke! wakaka...

berbaloi2 kuar 1 siang last2 dapat stroller kan!!!!!!

Ely Hasrul said...

mas, tersengih2 smpai skang. arinih nk kuar bwk stroller baru huhuhuhu..

just.HY said...

alamakkk! lambat skit je today. drama abes laaa pegi shopping pun! nasib baik tggu smpai ke last draw, kalo tidak...tak merasa laaa suci naik stroller baru~ alalla

Ely Hasrul said...

stroller tuh utk sami, suci pakai stroller lama sami jek. ptg nih nk pg lagik hihihi overst

AjlaA said...

wahhh. grand prize gitu~
ade jugak potensi akak g expo hari2 jika dah dpt hasil tangkapan sebegitu. ye dop? keke

Ely Hasrul said...

hamboi Ajlaa kalu duit ade bleh la haha.. nih pon dh cam over spend dh nih

Unknown said...

Wah bulan jatuh ke riba nihhhhhhhhhh...best betul dpt menang lucky draw..emm bila la turn aku nk menang plak nih eheheh

Unknown said...

wah tahniah aaa..berbaloi kamu habis duit dan tunggu lama..rezeki baby dalam perut kan

AjlaA said...

serius brg baby kemain mahal harganya. design lawa2 tuh. xpe kak, kali ni kalah membeli. insyaALLAH menang memakai nnt. hehe

Ely Hasrul said...

Na, ko jgn xtau tadik pg lagik sbb botol susu blum beli. hasrul sebok nk survey patu bleh smpai kul 6.20pm dia cpt2 g beli kt MAM cukupkan seratus sbb nk masuk lucky draw hahahah tp keciwa arinih xdpt ape patuuu ade minah nih ari nih dpt 3 lucky draw yg besh2 padahal hari jumaat aritu pon dia dpt 3-4 lucky draw yg mmg mahal reganye.. huishh bertuah sungguh la dia...

Ely Hasrul said...

Kak Ina,

mmg syukur sgt sbb pas nih dh xsmpat nk bli barang, xtau kali nih napa nk tunggu last min (dulu pon cmtu gak kot hehe) cuma mmg tak sangka sgt dpt stroller tuh..


sbb dulu time Sami xnyempat nk soping patu hormon lein mcm xmo soping lgsg! sume brg nk catu siap kedekut, papi geleng kepala.. skang baju baby aje pasnih kalu nk soping kena setahun keatas hahaha

xCLuSiVeLy XpReSsiNg by Hayatie said...

Jelessss menang stroller tu. Aku tak menang apa2 pun hatta motor sekali pun! Ehh apakah motor tiba2?

Mak ko sama macam mak aku lah, semua tak payah beli, mahal bla bla...comel tapi grrr2..hahaha!

Ely Hasrul said...


moto? wow saya menang moto haha.. rezeki aritu. makaseh la ko rajin layan aku gak aritu and rezeki FS tuh kt kedai lain siap aku dpt last beli, pas aku tuh ade org nk beli FS mmg dh abis sgt2. kedai tu laju jual sbb ade dlm 10unit FS aje patu dia guna maybank treats yg tolak point terus tu yg diskaun lagik rm200 tuh.. alhamdulillah rezeki.. suka

Fiza Rahman said...

Wah...tahniah, murah rejeki mak buyung nih, cybex tu. Tak sia² ko tunggu sampai lucky draw ☺☺

Anash said...

tak sia-sia tunggu seharian, kan?
kami dah rasmi dodok dlm stroller itu..

Ely Hasrul said...


tengkiu mmg tak sangka sungguh, tersengih tak pecaya smpai skang haha..

k coco,

rasmi tgk je laa rasmi dodok.. kena 15kg ke bawah kihkih

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