Eh dah 30weeks? 10more weeks to go!
- Heartburn, which might be making sleep hard to come by.
- Swelling -- it's totally normal, as long as it's not sudden or severe.
- General discomfort, thanks to your big belly.
- Shortness of breath. Those lungs just keep getting more crowded, right?
- Trouble sleeping, which leads to another issue: Fatigue.
- Weird, vivid dreams. One word (a familiar one): Hormones.
info from thebump
ini betol2 entry pendek. nak bwk sami g swim!
4 hottie:
(pendek dak comment?)
jap lily.
TX tu ape? thks? hahaha sumpah xbleh nk paham
TX tu thanks le! hehehe
tu la fatt aku rase thks tuh tp sbb xpaham tx pasal ape hahahahha
gile pendek tuh hahaha
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