Klik Klik

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

When i decided to be a very hot, sexy, proud, fully breastfeed mommy, i, trial and error how to breastfeed (bf) sami in public. I tried:

1. carry pump and bottle end up to be a very bodoh idea as i need to express and pujuk sami at the same time (ye la xkuasa mamat tu nk sap susu dlm botol bile boobies mami lagik fresh & sedap) tu blum lagik having problems carry expressed milk siap ngan ice cube. cost: emosi kacau, merosakkan suasana ceria and menjejaskn hubungan ngan papi sbb muka masam bila tak dapat handle sami. muka aku la masam. papi xpenah masam muka kat aku. sori papi. ampun papi. jgn la papi kecik ati. jauh kang syurga aku

2. buy a nursing cover. yes, usefull senang & sgt sesuai TAPI bila sami semakin byk idea, dia dh start wrestle ngan cover tuh. duhhh jadik havoc la plakkkk (actually i only managed using it sekalik aje) hahahaha bese la mami mmg over suka buang duit. maybe i can donate the cover. tips: guna cover since pas pantang so baby dh get use to it. cost: rm59 xsilap xbape ingat beli kat mlo

3. hanya pegi ke tmpt yg ade nursing room. haaaaa!!!!! jgn la harap sume soping mall kt mesia nih babyfrendli ye. i can list and rate all the nursing room in KL. huh bleh gak tu. next entry. end up mmg agak bangang coz if u were at the south and the nursing room kat north hamboi larat ke nak usung anak kulu kilir? cost: mentally tensen

4. change how i used to wear. ekceli xjauh sgt la style aku dari dulu. dulu aku kuar pakai sleeveless aje. skang pakai baju diluar sleeveless hahhahahaha nampak sgt aku semulajadik seksi xsedar diri. pakai sleeveless pelbagai kaler from mng rm29 (brand sukati tapi mng tsgt selesa mng tu ok), pakai tshirt ikut size badan (aku dulu kalu buleh size xxxs.. skang i can tolerate with m). why? becoz i dont wear tudung. u can easily selak ur shirt without showing ur tayar lori tummy. also pakai nursing bra. my choice either modernmum rm88 (yes, bapak mahal anggap aje la bonus sbb xyah beli susu) (but i found one comfort brand kt kedai apetah kat ioi puchong. i bought the bra 2 for only rm69 xsilap. selesa and murah). cost: hepi and terasa hebat

5. Pektis. Pektis. Pektis. becoz we love to travel, love to go out. i have to practise to susu sami in public. Malu? xpenah terlintas. Bangga? yes sampai nak riak pon ade tapi xmo riak kang Allah marah. Tips to pektis, duduk ditempat selesa and xbape ramai org. if at restaurant just pick seat tepi dinding or secluded sket. or else ask ur hubby to cover for u. ape? xnak cover? ko nak kuar duit bli susu? baik ko cover.. hehehe xdek.. gurau aje ayat bahasa tu hehehehe

This pics taken when we were in Bukit Bendera, Penang last weekend. We are so tired and sami so sleepy. I just pic a seat and hold him with kasih sayang and here you go. He susu and rested in my arms like he's in heaven. He even susu until sleep. Ada org tengok? i dunno. i dont give a damn pon. Nak tgk sukati. nak tegur ha marilah kalu berani.. hehehehhe

6. oh yeah.. after u buang malu jauh2 and feelproud while doing it. be ready with ur fav photographer. tengkiu auntie biqque!

7 hottie:

e-caR NazRin aka ibuEiymann said...

chayork2..ku pun camnie gaks..xde malu nk BF in public..ku pelik sgt klu ade yg malu+segan nk BF in public.. ksian ank kelaparan.. slalu gak ku kena sound ngn PIL.. dia ckp baby tua x pyh lar netek lg (Eiymann dh 2 thn++..ade ke dipnggil bby tua)..huhu

Ely Hasrul said...

baby tua?? comeolnye hahahaha.. beshnye bf smpai 2thn lebehhh ... nak gakkkk

Fiza Rahman said...

Ely, ku bangga dapat BF in public, apa yg nak di malukan? Bukannya buat salah pon.

Biqque said...

bf in public not a big issue. bagi aku, selagi tak nampak boobs ko di mata orang, no hal. sebab kadang laki ni malu tengok boobs orang! hahaha! (laki aku penah tgk wanita jogja bf anak dia sambil nampak KESELURUHAN boobs dia, ko tau laki aku watpe? dia terkesima, terus tunduk malu tak bercakap merah muka sampai la lepas pompuan tu then dia ckp kat aku, aduihhhhhh! sebab? taktau.)

so, wearing inner and outer clothes are darn gud idea. keep it up!

Ely Hasrul said...

uncle c tunduk??? wahhh bagus nye kalu papi mau tgk aje ahhahaha.. kalu aku bukan terkesima.. aku siap tnganga ar apehal nk susu smpai nmpak satu boobs hahahahaha

xCLuSiVeLy XpReSsiNg by Hayatie said...

hahaha..maybe die nak tunjukkan boobs die yang mengkals walaupun netex anak. haha..rahsia tetex mengkal bleh cari tokey pil asi, amyatie..wakaka..

Ely Hasrul said...

promoteeee hahahahaha.. kena check ngan amyatie nih hahahhaha

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