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Thursday, July 31, 2008
The Time Has Come
Ok xsure la papi cmne tapi aku mmg dh xsabo dh hehehe. We went to our 39 weeks's visit on Wed 27; time nih aku dh xlarat sgt dah. Kire dh malas la nk bwk perut. dr. ariza pon sarankn buat VE je (vagina examination). Cemana? Caranye dgn memasukkan 2 jari kedlm salur vagina. Iye. Itu adalah satu2 nye cara nak tau servik dh bukak ke blum. Patu dr. ckp dh tbukak 1cm & dia promote (xtau dia buat ape) tapi kesimpulannye dh 2cm. so dia anto plak g labor room pakai mesin check contraction. Ha besh gak la.. smbil baring lepak2 cuma xpaham ape bab mesin tu kuar kertas ala2 mcm mesin test bckp benar gitu. Alih2 bile misi (wahhh mcm dolu2 plak) heheehe bila nurse tu tgk chart tu.. dia kata dh ade contraction every 5mins wahhh xrasa ape pon. Bagus2 memandangkan ade org yg sakit guling2 tapi baru nk bukak 1cm hehehehe.
Patu patah blk g jumpa dr. & kesimpulannye dia suh admit ward (dh agak dahh) tapi yg lawaknye satu ampang putri leh penuh katil.. bese2 bab kalu masuk ampang putri nih mcm pegi pasar mlm. Asik penuh saja2. bosan. So kitorg blk dulu. Smpat la lunch n lepak2. dr. plak ade bgtau nnti ade discharge sket bab dia dh buat VE. Ok la tu gaya saida)
Aku tetep cm bese bab aku ade birthplan aku sdr. Aku xdek le risau sgt. Tapi dlm ati dok ulang "baby kecik, nak lahir.. lahir 28hb. Kalau tak tunggu smpai 1hb" hehehehe Papi? oooo papi bile dr. ckp sket aje muka dia dh berubah sebijik mcm masa dia xdpt kawin ngan aku dulu.. kahkahkahkah
Mlm nye tu lps aje kul 12 mlm aku lega la bab dh masuk 28hb; ini kerana aku agak pasti aku akan bsalin 28hb ewahhh. Lebih kurang 3am aku tjaga nak kenc (cm bese la kan) patu tetiba mcm nk jamming huh time nih aku terus tringat ain budak opis aku sbb dia cite mak dia bsalinkn dia dlm toilet hehehehhe.. ropenye dh kuar darah yg byk siap bketul2 beso (ok aku cite aku nih tiada tapisan punye cite harap maklum) Tapi aku dgn tenangnye, panggil papi suh dia bgn basuh muka angkat brg & ajak g spital. Papi? huh tpinga2 gak dia, kulu kilir sume tp mmg kitorg cool aje la; mungkin sbb dh besedia. On the way g sepital dpt la tgk org pasang banner tp jln maklum la nk pilihanraya hehehehe.
The Birth Plan
Ok. Aku ade birthplan aku sdr iaitu: Nak mandi sblm bersalin & ambik Epidural
Plannye gitu la tp aku dpt extra plak aku rasa. Smpai spital dekat kul 4am. Terus masuk labor room. Nurse tu check dh 3cm. dia terus kata aku kena dok kt situ smpai bsalin la kan. Patu suh aku lepak2 tdo dulu sbb "ala dik, smpai akak masuk keje mlm nih nnti xtentu adik dh bsalin blum" ala.. akak nih over confident la kak (kataku dlm ati). Patu nurse tu bg aku pakai baju yg sbnrnye kain main sarung ke bdn mcm tu aje.
Patu dia kata dia akan masukkn air kt dlm bontot nk suh berak. Ha time nih aku lega bab aku mmg nk tberak pon tp kat umah tadik takut bab takut terberanak kahakhakha. Patu ps dh settle sume tu aku pon dh get ready nak tdo la. Sempat lagik time nih aku suh papi g amik minyak angin bab nak sapu kt perut. ye la, time tu dh dekat kul 5am aku plak pas jamming bleh rasa mcm nk period pain tp sengal2 gitu la. Tapi stlh papi penat carik minyak angin leh la plak nurse xbg pakai. Dia kata nnti busuk, huh sukati la tp aku malas nk layan aku pon t. papi pon suka la sbb memasing mmg mengantuk hehehehe. Alih2 kul 6 lebih tu aku sakit perut mcm period pain. Ha korg tau kan period pain yg mild tu yg buat mcm nk jamming mcm tak. Aku mati2 la ingat aku nk jamming tp xbleh. Patu aku xpaham la org ckp sakit contraction sakit dr pinggang pe jadah sume tp napa aku rasa mcm senggugut bese2 aje?
Patu sakit tu tiap 5 menit skali, jadik tdo aku sudah xtenang la. Terganggu. Malas nak layan panggil nurse. Tnya la bile best time nk amik epidural, patu nurse tu kata skang la. Ha bagus!. Tapi " puan, saya dh kol dr. ariza, dia suh bekfas dulu & anes akan dtg dlm kul 8 lebih" ha? Lamanye?? Aku nk tdo nih. tp ok aje la aku bukan sakit guling2 pon walaupon bile dtg sakit tu aku over2 gak la smbil tarik2 rmbut papi kahakhakhakahkah aku nih kan kalu papi ade mmg xbuleh la.. mngada lebih.. padahal mcm senggugut bese2 aje hehehehehe
Patu nurse tu pon suh la mandi dulu ke ape. Ha mmg bagus sgt la. Pas mandi dpt bekfas, pas amik2 gambo sume anes pon dtg. Dr. Hashim. Ha time nih xbesh ade lucu pon ade. Sbb bile dia nk pasang epidural, patient sblh nk bsalin plakkk. So nurse mcm kelam kabut smpai satu masa tu dr. hashim leh ckp… "woi.. napa tinggal aku sorg2 nih" hehehehehe. (tapi patient sblh tu huuhhh mmg haru la dia jerit punye la kuat, papi smpai kuatkn vol tv sbb mcm ngeri plak dengar)
Ok. Bg sapa2 nk tau. Epidural adelah salah satu kaedah penahan sakit. Cover 70%-90%. Ade cara lein mcm gas & injection tp takat 30% & aku xbminat nk cuba pon. Epidural juga dipasang di blkg badan satu line dgn spinal kite. Line tu nama nye epidural. Org yg bleh pasang epidural ialah pakai bius aje. Tu sbb kalu jadik pakar bius gaji byk. Sbb risiko nye pon byk gak.
Pas pasang tu dr. ariza pon smpai time tu dlm kul 8.30am; dia check dh 5cm wahhh ce nye. Slalu org amik masa 12 jam nk tbukak abis (dgn rasa sakit) aku dh bukak 5 cm rasa cm period pain aje. Alhamdulillah. Dr.ariza kata tghari bsalin la. Ha bagus. Aku pon smbung tdo dgn selesanye! Begitu juga papi yg tdo kt kusi. Patu dlm kul 11 lebih gitu tetiba aku rasa pangkal peha kiri aku mcm sakit sengal yg very the mild. Aku agak pelik la bab aku pakai epidural apehal nk rasa sengal2 (walaupon 70% aje). Patu puas la kejut papi suh panggil nurse (bleh plak tdo mati walaupon kt kusi). Patu nurse dtg dia check wahhhh dh 9cm cenye!! Bagus2. so nurse2 tu sume terus get ready la. Time nih aku xbape ingt sgt bab aku rasa sume nurse excited so ramai yg kuar masuk bleh? Sume mcm hepi2 aje. Siap pakai kan aku oksigen bab nk kejutkn baby kecik. la.. baby kecik tdo ke hehehehe.
Ha satu lagik. Rope2nye kesan epidural nih byk & blainan setiap org. nurse2 tu agak tperanjat bab aku leh tdo dgn tenang. Sume siap ckp aku bertuah sbb ade yg muntah2; ade yg xselesa & ade gak yg sakit time pakai epidural tu. Tp aku selamba ya ya aje. Tapi aku leh rasa skit tu utk bantu aku teran nnti la. Patu ropenye aku bleh rasa peha kiri mcm sakit.. aku pegang peha belah kanan laaa xrasa ape.. ye la kebas dr pinggang ke bwh hehehehehe.
Bila dh get ready sume; berdasarkn mesin contraction aku kena push. Huh! Cemana nk push sbb xrasa ape. So agak lucu la. Patu plak nurse2 tu suh teran mcm nk berak; hoi! Aku nk jamming pon kena mkn organic so xyah teran .. mana la aku ade kekuatan begitu. Lucu pulak rasenye. 2-3 kali push very good dr. kata dh nmpak kepala. Patu dia suh sume org kire sbb nk 10 kali push aje. Alih2 smpai 20 kali push dekat sejam takat gitu jugak hehehhe paling xtahan papi yg slama 9 bln takut tetiba "push lagi b, dh nmpak kepala tu" wahhhh aku dlm ati terus tpikir, berani plak dia tgk hehehehe.
Alih2 dr. ckp nk vacuum aje sbb dh sejam. Dia sanggup tunggu sejam pon sbb baby kecik nye heart beat kuat. Aku ikutkn aje bab dh xtau nk teran cemana. Oh yea, aku rasa kalu kt spital kerajaan kompom dh kena maki hehehehe. Tp dr. pon ckp gak bab aku xrasa sakit so aku xtau le nk teran sekuat mana lagik kan.
Alih2 aku dgr "assalamualaikum" ha time dr. ariza bg salam nih aku terus tau sammy boy dh kuar and terus letak atas perut. hehehhehe. Sian sammy boy penuh darah. Org ckp aku kembar darah bab mmg air ketuban sikit and darah melimpah2. ermm patut le sammy boy xsuka mandi.. air bukan kawan dia hehehehe.. (tapi skang dia dh suka dah.. )
Samiul Maleek Mohd Hasrulnizam
Iye, begitu la cerita saya. Tepat kul 1.33pm lahir la sammy boy. Berat dia 3.12kg waaahhh smpai gak 3kg tu. Dorg bersihkn sammy & kasik oksigen sket bab lama sgt stuck. Dia nangis pon xkuat sgt. Ade video nangis nye tp xtau cemana nk upload. Papi azan n khamat pon mintak nurse tu ajar nak pegang hehehehe. Lps tu dpt la susukan dia. Kejap aje dia minum sbb xtau lagik cara2 nyusu time tu, abis siap jahit sume2 tu terus anto g bilik. Ha time nih hangin gak la sbb xdpt bilik sorg. Kena share dulu.. belah ptg br dpt tu pon bab papi dok tnya bile nk dpt bilik lain.
Ha itu la cite nye. sekian
Yesterday Jaja came to my office and i've successfully sign the form and bought Sammy's insurance policy. Happy? Relieved? Bet I am. We've been planning to buy him the best security since he's resting in my womb. for us this policy is very very important for his future. After checking few insurance company we endup signing from Prudential. Lagikpon easier as Jaja is my bestfriend. Thank you Mama Jaja!!
The policy covering for:
1. Saving / Education - which we can use the money for Sammy's education. Education la takkan kawin kot.. hehehe.. patu confirm la nak belajar kt obersi.. ewahhh sbrnnye mami dia yg suka nk jalan hahahaha
2. Medical / Hospitalization - which covered for the list of illness given BUT I REALLY DONT WANT ANYTHING HAPPEN TO HIM! EVENTHO THE COVERAGE INCLUDES DAILY ALLOWANCE etc
3. Emergency Accidental - Dapat la one lumsump amount if accident
err ape lagik ek? ada lagik tp malas nk baca policy kahakhakhakahkah.. Anyway, the monthly installment is only RM160. Mahal? For me affordable as i can spend RM300 for 9west jadik jgn la nk compaint ye nk labur takat tu sebulan hehehe.
Oh yea, for whom who interested to know more about the policy can contact my friend Jaja - 012 201 3605. She can propose you any quotation within your budget & requirement. No harm for getting info pon.
Anyway Sammy, nanti sama2 doa ngan Mami, mintak kt Allah murahkan rezeki kita, sihatkan kite sekeluarga ok? AMINNN..
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Breastfeeding is more than a feeding. It is a form of nurturing, it is the act of love.
When I was pregnant with Sammy boy (mcm la aku pegnen byk kali). I've remind papi about the brand as well as the price of formula milk (dgn bangga siot). BUT when we attend the pre-natal class in the breastfeeding session; i almost cried and blessed (smbil mnyesal byk kali). Nasib baik we attend the Class. I feel so stupid like bimbo (sbb bimbo still cun) and bercita2 to breastfeed.
After so many mistake i make; i can say that it's now officially a successful breastfeeding routine as we enjoy & cherish the time we had together. (I miss sammy boy) AND this breastfeed also taught me to READ! READ! READ AS MANY AS U CAN!
I will try to paste any article i found after this. BUT i want to share this cute message i found in momslittleone website.
Dear Mommy,
Thank you for bringing me into this world. I am content and happy every time I hear your voice, feel your warmth, comfort and protection. Please let me stay with you all the time so that you can breastfeed me on demand. Please don't wait until I cry because I'll be a very fussy baby by then.
Your colostrum is all I need.
You can provide me warmth, security, food and drink. I do not need any pacifiers, bottles or water. There is no need for topping up or supplementing with formula milk. The more you breast-feed me, the more milk you will have, mommy.
Please be patient with me as I learn how to feed. I will try to be patient too (I know I can be a pain sometimes). I'm sorry for stressing you out! I really don't mean it. It may take a while for breastfeeding to get established. It will give me the best start in this big wide world! If you find feeding uncomfortable or challenging, please ask the nurse or lactation counselor for help to get me latched on properly. Please do not watch the clock to see whether it is time for my next feed or to see how long I feed.
As you continue to breastfeed, I will get protection against infections, heart disease, diabetes, eczema and asthma. It will help my jaw and brain develop. I really want to grow up to be strong, intelligent and healthy.
I want you to know that I appreciate all that you have done. Your breast milk is always the BEST milk for me. I love your precious "golden drops"! But most of all, I LOVE YOU, mommy!
Hugs and kisses,
Your Breastfed Baby
again. i miss sammy boy. if u re expecting, planning to breastfeed, a mommy, daddy, ratu cantek, had jiran who their child alwiz make noise, nerd or whoever who read this blog & interested pls joint me to explore the world of breastfeeding. serius sehh sume kebaikan xdek keburukan pon.
To be continued
When I was pregnant with Sammy boy (mcm la aku pegnen byk kali). I've remind papi about the brand as well as the price of formula milk (dgn bangga siot). BUT when we attend the pre-natal class in the breastfeeding session; i almost cried and blessed (smbil mnyesal byk kali). Nasib baik we attend the Class. I feel so stupid like bimbo (sbb bimbo still cun) and bercita2 to breastfeed.
After so many mistake i make; i can say that it's now officially a successful breastfeeding routine as we enjoy & cherish the time we had together. (I miss sammy boy) AND this breastfeed also taught me to READ! READ! READ AS MANY AS U CAN!
I will try to paste any article i found after this. BUT i want to share this cute message i found in momslittleone website.
Dear Mommy,
Thank you for bringing me into this world. I am content and happy every time I hear your voice, feel your warmth, comfort and protection. Please let me stay with you all the time so that you can breastfeed me on demand. Please don't wait until I cry because I'll be a very fussy baby by then.
Your colostrum is all I need.
You can provide me warmth, security, food and drink. I do not need any pacifiers, bottles or water. There is no need for topping up or supplementing with formula milk. The more you breast-feed me, the more milk you will have, mommy.
Please be patient with me as I learn how to feed. I will try to be patient too (I know I can be a pain sometimes). I'm sorry for stressing you out! I really don't mean it. It may take a while for breastfeeding to get established. It will give me the best start in this big wide world! If you find feeding uncomfortable or challenging, please ask the nurse or lactation counselor for help to get me latched on properly. Please do not watch the clock to see whether it is time for my next feed or to see how long I feed.
As you continue to breastfeed, I will get protection against infections, heart disease, diabetes, eczema and asthma. It will help my jaw and brain develop. I really want to grow up to be strong, intelligent and healthy.
I want you to know that I appreciate all that you have done. Your breast milk is always the BEST milk for me. I love your precious "golden drops"! But most of all, I LOVE YOU, mommy!
Hugs and kisses,
Your Breastfed Baby
again. i miss sammy boy. if u re expecting, planning to breastfeed, a mommy, daddy, ratu cantek, had jiran who their child alwiz make noise, nerd or whoever who read this blog & interested pls joint me to explore the world of breastfeeding. serius sehh sume kebaikan xdek keburukan pon.
To be continued
Monday, July 21, 2008
Papi has been looking for this new car seat and found the best (as per professional review) in bebehaus at OU. Concord Ultimax (am i spell it rite?). Eventhough it's really hard to install in the car i can say that Sammy love it!! (as he suck the belt all the way home hihi). It cost around 1400++ but we get 10% plus free membership that we can get 10% for every product purchase in the store lifetime pulak tu fuiyoo (hopefully we can get stokke product with that huhu)
product description: Innovative combination seat with hassle free installation system (hassle free??? ermmm)
product details:

Even Sammy 'almost' fell asleep... Tengkiu Papi!!
product description: Innovative combination seat with hassle free installation system (hassle free??? ermmm)
product details:
- Car seat suitable from birth
- Rear-facing from birth to approx. 10-13kg/22-29lbs (approx 15mths), forward-facing once your child can sit unaided 9kg/20lbs - 18kg/40lbs (approx 9mths - 4yrs)
- Seat has an integral harness, and is secured in car by an adult seat belt
- Optimum side-impact protection with padded head cushions
- Easy to adjust headrest and harness
- Inner seat can be completely removed for easy installation
- One-handed operation tension installation
- Includes chest and buckle pads
- 5-point, 1-pull harness
- Removable washable cover
Even Sammy 'almost' fell asleep... Tengkiu Papi!!